Mantra for success in any work

Mantra for success in any work

Sometimes you find that you were near to achieve success in work and suddenly something bad happened and you got failed. It is happening every time time and you start losing your confidence and hope. If this is happening with you, then start chanting this Mantra for success and you’ll surely get success in your work.

Mantra for success in any work


स्थाने हृषीकेश तव प्रकीर्त्या
जगत्प्रहृष्यत्यनुरज्यते च ।।
रक्षांसी भीतानि दिशो द्रवन्ति
सर्वे नमस्यन्ति च सिद्धसंघाः ।।

sthaane hrushikesh tav prakirtaya
jagat prahrushyat anurajjate cha
rakshansi bhiitani disho dravanti
sarve namashyanti cha siddhasanghah ||